Beyond Religious Freedom is a study of the full-court press by the United States and others to promote religious freedom, religious engagement, and the rights of religious minorities. In exploring the blurred boundaries and dizzying power dynamics that characterize relations between expert religion, governed religion, and lived religion, it challenges the assumption that the legalization of freedom of religion, engagement with faith communities, and protections for religious minorities will emancipate societies from tyranny, terrorism, and discrimination. These programs generate social tensions by making religious difference a matter of law, enacting a powerful divide between the ‘religion’ of those in power and the ‘religion’ of those without it. 

Interview with the author on New Books Network here

Interview with the author on E-IR here

Q & A with the author with Princeton Univ. Press here

“Why I wrote this book” here

Short post illustrating book’s argument here

Discussion series on The Immanent Frame here

Discussion series at Syndicate Theology (fall 2016) here

Review in Boston Review here

Review in The Nation here

Discussion series at Religion in American History blog here

Discussion forum in Religion, Politics & Ideology: (PDFs): BirnbaumIbrahimJansenRees, and Hurd response

Review in the TLS here

Review in Muslim World Book Review here

Review in Religious Studies Review here